update 1 i guess?? - date: still have no idea

alright so quick update here. they're still chasing me but i've found some weird ass logs on this old laptop. i'll try to upload them here to archive them i guess? i don't know maybe some of you (if anyone's even reading this) can make sense of what's in there. yeah it's really weird and i don't know what all the shit means. so yeah that was the update bye.

hi - date: i have no clue

alright 'sup y'all i have no idea if this is even getting through but i've been trying to connect this thing for MONTHS. anyhow hello my name is jason but you can call me jay or whatever the fuck you come up with. the situation's over here on my side's been kinda rough but i've managed to kinda chill for a second. i don't have time to write a full report on the pickle i've found myself in, but i will try to update this page thing or smth. for now all you need to know is that i exist i lived and i plan on breathing until for some reason my body stops functioning, i'm pretty sure we call that dying, yeah. so yeah peace out bro's catch ya later i hope.